Sunday, March 1, 2009

Here are my observations thus far

~My carry-on bag looks like a whore, with plane-side tickets from American, United and Northwest.

~The airline gods must have been smiling on me this time around. I landed in Moline a few minutes ahead of schedule.

~I've become an angry driver. I tend to yell grossly obscene things at the other drivers.

~Heaven on Earth is rocking to Bohemian Rhapsody while cruising down the highway.

~You've succeeded if your hairstylist says she's loving the color you've dyed your hair.

~Alcohol does magical things in my car.

~Dogs like me. I think this is a good thing. On a mostly unrelated note I've decided I'm going to marry K's next-door neighbor and we will have beautiful babies.

~Some people will surprise you when you least expect it. For the better. And others surprise you when you realize you need to start looking out for the ones who always seemed to be able to look out for themselves.

~I love the sense of humor my friends bring out of me back in Iowa. Example: The only explanation I could come up with for a license plate that said IDVDBYO on an ISU specialty plate was : I'd venereal disease bring your own. "Ya know, we're having a party. You need to bring your own STD though because you know I don't date clean boys..."

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