Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Decompression mode engage

I just realized that our library has to employ an emergency stop system on their bookshelves. What part of this is supposed to make me happy? or feel safe, for that matter?

I'm also going to nickname my car the "mobile omnidirectional neutralization and termination eradicator," which, as you Big Bang Theory watchers may know, ALSO stands for MONTE. (but I'll still spell it Monty)

And this is the reason I will never sell my books, at least to any stuck-up tool or back to the bookstore. I write all my little notes regarding the cases, but in addition...well, I make my own little notes too. Mostly quotes, and that made for interesting review in contracts today. We were going over the cases and as I flipped the page, I read, "They always say that nice guys finish last. I don't think that's true at all. My boyfriend's the nicest guy in the world and he always finishes first." Reason #1 to not read contracts while watching Comedy Central.

And I don't know why, but I am having really odd dreams. Really vivid ones too. Like catching a mouse in a snowstorm in a mansion with an egg, which turns out to be a mis-shapen wiffle ball... and having people visit me in Boston... and calling someone I haven't even met (and never really want to) a "cock-pocket." sigh.

Decompression via P.S. I love you:
Why am I so damn afraid? I don't... I want... shit.
"It doesn't matter what job you have, or what you do or what you don't do, or which friends you have, [when you lose that person] you're alone no matter what." Nobody wants to be alone.
However, it's a wonderful feeling when you finally realize that a person is finally out of your life, that you've moved on. They'll always shape how you view the world, but you wouldn't be where you are this very moment without them, whether that's good or bad is up to you to decide.
I hate it when I make such pansy realizations, but they're true.

I think I'm minorly allergic to BananaNut Cheerios. There's no reason for me to be, but I think I am.

So, after this weekend, this week, as horrid as it is, is so much better. Just being around people helps, which is grrrr-eat. I also got my contracts grade back. Now, don't get any ideas, I'm not one of the 2 A's that everyone wants to murder right now, but I did very decently, considering my recent complete lack of competence in the others. But I do have to say.... I kicked all kinds of ass on the multiple choice. That's not going to get me my own practice, but it saved my ass.

I want to grow my hair out. I have discovered this slowly over the past few weeks. I don't know why I cut my hair so short at the end of summer, I really didn't mean to, but looking back at the pictures of the London trip, I really want to have that hair again... the long, strawberry-red-brown layers down to my chest (sorry, that's the only measure I really can use, it's true)... That trip was the start of something wonderful. Aaaand I'm gonna dye it again. One of these days it's just going to start growing in the color I want, and when that day comes, I will have won the game. (It's true, actually, I hate to go into such a long paragraph about my hair, but my oldest best friend has the same thing, we dye our hair, it starts coming in that color, it kind of rocks. Besides, everyone loves a redhead. Seriously.)

1 month til Iowa, 31 days til Ames!!

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