Sunday, January 11, 2009

A day without pants

So most possibly the oddest day in Boston thus far. Some probably poor life choices were made, but nothing bad happened, and several good life choices were made, which will hopefully equalize things in my mind in the morning.

So, to start. NoPants 2009 was Saturday, the one thing in Boston I've been looking forward to for months. Serious. I woke up realizing that I should have put as much thought into what I was going to wear on top as I had with what I was going to wear on the bottom. So I cheated, I wore underwear AND boxers, so sue me.
Anywho, got there, got put into smaller groups and assigned stops. The process went like this: We all got on a specific car on the way out of Alewife(the final stop outbound on the red line) going inbound. The stop before the stop you were assigned, as soon as the doors closed there, you took off your pants, all non-chalantly and such, and got off at your stop and waited for the next train. Then you rode the train to Park Street, got off, and got on the next train going back to Alewife.
My stop, Central, had about 6 people assigned from our group (there were about 8 such groups). We chatted each other up for awhile, then got down to business... our business socks, if you will.
It was hilarious to see the reactions from the pants-wearing crowd when they realized what was going on. They were asking questions or pointing or laughing or trying to not look. One lady I heard as I was getting off at Park Street said, "I must be going crazy!" Nope, we're just having a little fun.
Got back to Alewife, took many pictures, got one of me with a firefighter with no pants... yeah, a firefighter. There were people in all sorts of clothes, from t-shirts to business suits.
Headed to the bar where we were allowed to come, sans pants, and hang for awhile. Started talking with people, we got out on the dance floor and at some point I was slow dancing with this chick and there was a pantsless kickline and I had a horny pirate (a drink, come on people, heads out of the gutter...) and then came 6 o'clock. The dreaded time when we were to put our pants back on. But this one girl that was in the group I was talking with was like "Let's go back to my house and take our pants off." So I went. I was freaking out inside a little bit, I'm not gonna lie, when I realized I was sitting in a car of a person I didn't know, waiting for the other 3 people in that load to get back out from the liquor store.
But it ended up being pretty fun, I actually ended up being dubbed as one of the ballsier/braver people there for heading to Boston without a place to live. Yeah, never thought that day would come. Hmmmm. Yeah.
Played a bit of Balderdash, some cards, circle of death, bite-the-bag... They were pretty cool, here, let's pull some quotes out to show ya...
"Just suck really hard." In reference to bite-the-bag
"Goblin, goblin, cock, goblin." In reference to the movie Labyrinth and David Bowie's epic pants, because there was a poster on the wall in the kitchen.
"I'm legitimately piss on your face while you're sleeping." Yeah, don't remember the context. Not sure I want to.
"How many cows can fit in a light socket." The questions round of circle of death. I laughed so hard I cried.
I didn't end up drinking a ton because of the creepy other roommate that came back about half-way through and was hitting on all the girls hardcore. "Two chicks to a dude, it's perfect." "There needs to be more girls here that I can have sex with." "I'm gonna call you Star. There is a stripper from Romania named Star that I liked. She was wonderful." Yeah, the last one was said to me while we were in a room alone. I was real skeezed out. I just wanted to leave while saying, "Dude, for one, you have a girlfriend, and two... I don't, just, no!" It got to the point where I even refused to hug him as everyone was getting ready to leave. I needed to look out for myself, and by only having one beer after I got to the house, I was able to do that. Pretty proud of myself for that, I gotta say.
But I eventually got a ride to the station after exchanging numbers with quite a few people from there. It would be fun if we actually do end up hanging out again. Whether it will actually happen? I don't know. Things like that don't usually work out. I'm just saying.

But I'll end on a happy note. As I was walking back to the house, it was snowing gorgeous snow. I don't know how much we're supposed to get, and in general I hate New England snow, but this was too pretty to hate. It's the snow you're supposed to have someone to make out in with. Sad day.
Also: when I move back to Iowa, I want to have a traffic cone for my apartment. That is all.

1 comment:

Kelly L said...

This is probably the single most awesome thing ever. I demand more pictures.