Saturday, February 14, 2009

"We'll stipulate that, yes."

So we had been counting the money in our pockets at lunch, which is highly relevant to the following exchange:
Homeless guy: "Do you have any spare change?"
Me: "I have exactly 30 cents and a Canadian penny. I think I may be worse off than you."
Homeless guy: "..."

No, I don't have a soul, but you all knew this... (hmmm, on that point I'm still conflicted. Did I gain it back last summer, or did someone just say I did? I don't know who to believe on that one. I WANT to believe the person on both sides of the argument.)

So I had **THE BEST** dream on Sunday night. The kind with basically a plot and places that actually exist and people you know and things you'd never do in real life because you're too chicken, and things you *wish* would happen in real life. The best part was that even though I kept waking up, I kept going back to the dream, just starting in a different location. Think: Central Campus with a little bit of the Iowa State Fairgrounds thrown in, complete with ski lift. Sigh. If every night were like that I would never wake up again!

Good grief. I recently realized just how much of a sequestered group my high school is. I mean, yes, some of us get out and experience things, we find other things and other people and other experiences to define ourselves by. But there are people who, years after graduation, are still making the rounds of the guys (or girls) of the C-W graduates. The townies. Yes, if you find the love of your life in HS and stick with it, or if coincidence happens later, what the hell, that's great, but come on people. Stop playing "Let's trade" and move on with your lives. The incestuous pool that is my HS is something I'm glad I never really got into.

So for those of you that actually read this and actually care when I might be coming back to Ames, I haven't been proclaiming it a lot, mainly because I wanted to get my Legal Research and Writing paper done with, but it's one section (that I might not do because ya know, it's only a draft, I can work on that over break) away from done. But now I have a contracts presentation on Thursday, and a Civil Procedure quiz. But apart from all of that, I WILL be in Ames on February 28th, and you know I want to see you, so plan on it! It's 10 days from today!! (but it seems so much further away, right? yeah...)

10 days....

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