Friday, November 21, 2008

Summer made me violent, law school made me angry

"There is the case of a circus that failed to ah, properly control their elephants, and one 'relieved' itself on a person in the front row. I'm not sure there was impact but there certainly was distress."
~"That *would* be the greatest show on earth."

Is it bad that I'm happy when someone else screws up when being called on in class while I'm sitting there getting the answers right in my head?

I'm pretty sure most of my stress in life and in general can be attributed ultimately to public transportation.

The end of all things, hope fails, a storm is coming, it sucks to be me.... Now I'm sure my MP3 has a brain... and it's mocking me quite harshly. EVERY SINGLE DAY "It sucks to be me," from Avenue Q comes on. I'm not even joking. ***EVERY DAY***

I was actually looking forward to today, as crazy as that sounds, especially considering the fact our class had to be at the school at 9:30 for the mock torts exam. I was even going in cold, having not studied for it a teeny weensy bit except for keeping up on the notes throughout the semester. But, after the test, I was going to go shopping. Target! Old Navy! Victoria Secret! American Eagle (boxers! more of them!)! Bath and Body Works! Aerie! (I really don't dress like a prep, no matter what my store excitements are.)

Boys, if you're actually reading this, you can skip to the end of the starred (***) section. I'm sure you don't really want to hear about my shopping. See, I'm trying to help you.

Awesome shopping day. Very cold, but toward the end the wind went down. Target first. No idea they had such CUTE lingerie. lol, I hate to say it but I even got stuff guys would like... now if guys will actually see it is another question in and of itself. And stuff for Ames and sleepovers. Fun!

Then to Cambridgeside Mall, which is so gorgeous, it's all decorated for Christmas already. If it weren't so busy I'd so go there to study. But there for very specific things. Soap, for Christmas presents for my mom, I think I finally found one she'll like.
Payless, for boots. White. That may have been a bad idea, but they'll at least be warm. And they'll be wonderful for when I go back to Iowa and (hopefully) go sledding. Woohoo!
And finally, AE, for boxers. Yes, more boxers. I love them. I forget if the ones I got glow in the dark or not (but that was an option!), but they're way cute.
Also a flask. It will have a name. Something with a B, because today was a "b" kind of day. Bras, boots, boxers... Bart... or Brian... I'll take votes.


Ok, boys, to recap. I got a flask. It will have a name. I haven't decided what yet though. Now I just need 151 or some vodka.

Now, the reason for this retail therapy was the mock exam this morning. EFF, who makes law students get up early on a Saturday? Apparently the twisted minds at the school. We're law students, we have nothing better to do, right. Oh, except catch up on the sleep we lose to law school during the rest of the week.

But I was able to get up without a problem, actually. Walk through the wind that made me go something along the lines of "What hell kind of shit is this fucking bitch wind!?" I like the cold. Wind, not so much. Then arrive at the school, go up the elevator... and the doors open to a sea of people. Once you get off the elevator and watch the faces of people facing the same situation, it's funny. One load of people even had the doors open, saw the mass, said essentially "screw it," and went back down in the same elevator!

But the test itself... not bad at all. I felt really good after it, and after going over the multiple choice answers, doing well on those, and reading over the model exam answer, I'm pretty sure I would have kicked its ass had it been a real test. Which is kind of what I needed, for certain. I don't want to get cocky, but after that I feel like I'm preparing adequately, which is what I was worried about. And I'm still not stressed or nervous. So this was good reassurance, what I went into Schulze for and he kind of looked at me like I was crazy and I'm sure I was because I wanted to cry in the middle of that meeting. Not a good day. Today was a good day.

Also, apparently law school people, including girls, can eat. Either that or the test just took a lot out of us. Two other girls and I went to lunch between the exam and the review of the exam at California pizza kitchen (followed close behind by about half of the rest of the class. Glad we got in early). We got two pizzas (for those of you that don't know, it's really fresh, stone-baked pizza, and one pizza is probably a twelve inch or so, so we got two to split between three of us) and we finished everything. It's really good pizza though, hawaiian with fresh pineapple and pesto and fresh cheese. mmmmm.

omgsh there were some awesome quotes from Schulze today. Unfortunately they're written on paper which currently sits in my locker at school. Not going back this weekend. Guess you'll have to way. oh darn

btw: I continue to post on my other blog over at xanga, but it's only going to be the time wasting questionaires I love so much. But they're not something I want directly on FB. Anything of what I consider substance will be here.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go enjoy my boxers and other goodies. sooooooo tired.

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