Friday, May 1, 2009

Cousins need to stop f**king

Well hello world. It's been awhile since we've last met. Not much to report though, but I'll try to make it entertaining.

We had our first test on Thursday. Constitutional law. I wish her good luck in grading them, I really do. Mine should be interesting, I'm pretty sure it'll look like I have multiple personality disorder or something, my handwriting goes from neat printing to cursive and back from sentence to sentence and sometimes even from word to word. And it gets messier as time goes on, obviously. *And* I used some interesting analogies, that's one of the few things I remember, contrary to statements to be made later in this post. I actually used an argument reminiscent of this story in arguing about regulations the government could use to protect genetic diversity. Yeah, I'm going nuts, it's ok, so far it's a fun trip.

Glad to get it out of the way, but it's very odd. I'm not sure that I could really tell you what was on the test, much less what I put down. I have this image in my head of what law exams actually feel like. All the material and reading and classes all spiraling in toward a concentrated point in time, and then the point in time poops you out, dazed and confused, and the spiral starts anew. And at the end there's a very large tub of alcohol. I'll try to illustrate that at some point.

I think I'll try to start a list of things I've learned in law school thus far. They may or may not be useful. We'll see:
How to spell attorney.
How to spell judgment.
Coffee is like beer, it's an acquired taste, and the more you drink it, the more you can tolerate it.
My internal clock is easily adjusted by a simple change in sleep schedule, but one late night and it's hell to pay.

One final note: I can't wait to get back to Ames. I want to be able to play piano. All this just listening to music is kind of killing me. I want to be able to pound out a Mannheim Steamroller or Trans-siberian Orchestra or some other music on the piano and actually feel the music. I miss that. A lot. I didn't know how much until lately.

I also want to learn guitar, but that will take the coercion of one of my summer boys. Tomjack, this means you, if you didn't know, or are actually reading this.

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