Ok, so I do use "I'm out" in other situations, but unless I'm *actually* *leaving*, there's a good chance I'm using in angry irony. Take note.
So starts finals period.
I tried to get out of the school to study, so I went to the Boston Public Library. It looked like a nice building, and the website touted it as a wonderfully artistic place to study. But the security guards came after me and my coffee, and in one of the more sketchy places I've been lately, there was an empty hip-flask of bottom-shelf vodka sitting on one of the tables. So I got out of that area. Found the study room I saw on the website, and am getting some decent work done. I think. But I think I need to alter my sleep schedule.
That and my roommates need to shut the fuck up.
So in preparing my outline for Civ Pro, I have run across another of our esteemed professor's unintelligible scriblings on the slides. I'm not sure it's quite that important this time around, but still, I probably should be able to come up with something to translate it to and... nothing. Well, fvpen or foopah (come on people, urban dictionary it), which, I can **guarantee** you Sorenson would never write. Or even think. Yeah. Thoughts?:

I've started to notice that we've started referring to the end of finals like I imagine the Pilgrims would have referred to the end of their voyage. Like, "I'll see the light of day and be normal when finals are over," and "Some of us may fall along the way, but if we make it to the end there will be a bright light, filled with booze and loud music." Or maybe that last one is just me.
Maybe this is an example: OMG I miss driving!!! In less than a month I get to drive for about 16 hours!!! Then 3 more, and all around Ames!!! I miss Monty, even if his backseat does smell of booze.
This will completely be my status on the day of the last final here:
"So until our tears are dried, we'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more. We'll dance and sing and fight until the early morning light, then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up, and then go drinking once again!"
Anyone recognize it? It's yet another gem from my Tenacious D radio on Pandora.
Some people are really going nuts with the studying already. Yes, I've actually started buckling down, but there are people who say they don't sleep at night and study from like 7 in the morning until 11 at night, and I just can't see it. I mean, I'm sure they don't and can't study straight through, but I can't even pretend to study that long or that hard. I need to have some semblance of a normal life. Besides, it's impossible for someone to be productive for every single waking minute. You just can't do it. You'll go nuts. I hope to emerge both victorious and sane at the end of finals. Wish me luck
*Cue non-sequitur segue*
Be very glad I have a very strong force pulling me back from doing many of the impulses I would love to do. It's very good that I don't put my evil to actual use. If I were ever employed to put my evil schemes to work, the world would come burning down within weeks. Those people who have pissed me off should be particularly glad I have this certain over-ride mechanism.
One last note: It appears as though my parents have made an offer on a condo in Phoenix. This should be exciting, but I'm waiting until I get an answer on my school for next year before I start proclaiming: "Spring break 2010, anyone?"
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