1) I got threatened personally by a tv character:
I watched Krod Mandoon, a new show on Comedy Central. The guy is pretty good looking, but even I, as a straight chick, have to admit that the main chick on that show is smoking. So I tweeted: "Krod Mandoon... even I will admit that chick is utterly hot." I got an @ reply from KrodMandoon: "@ctinalk Aneka is mine!" fml.
2) The return of cockpocket.
Yep, the chick I haven't even met, but will have to eventually; dreamt about her. In the dream, she was mad at me for being passed out on the couch of her boyfriend. I really blew her off. Just like "fuck off, I am hungover. And don't you think that if I had hooked up with him, I'd be in the bed instead of on the couch? You are being irrational." And I haven't even met her. It'll be quite the scene when I actually do, I admit.
3) Bunnyrabbitsex told me I should write.
I twittered about the dream, just "Had another dream about miss cockpocket. At least my dreams and twitter supply me with an endless supply of entertainment..." "@ctinalk you should write your dreams down and turn them into stories."
4) A cascade of alcohol!!!!
I was deciding whether to get a bottle of wine for myself at Liquor World this afternoon, and a tremendous crash and sounds of glass breaking comes from the back. Bottles of wine and beer were falling down from one of the topmost shelves. It was sad and awkward and entertaining to watch. And hear. Except a mom with a stroller was near ground zero and went off on the guy and stormed out. I felt sad for him. Typical. For me to side 1) with the liquor guy and 2) against mothers.
5) My bed gives new meaning to "the motion of the ocean."
So I think I've mentioned that I have an inflatable for a bed, and since spring break I've been using 2, one on top and one for height. Well... the height one seems to have sprung a larger leak as of late, and towards daylight it's leaving me very precariously perched on the top. I'm going on a hole-hunt tonight. After I finish my con law question
This post is also about shit. For now anyway. I have a few frustrations dealing with bathrooms as of late, and I feel the compelling need to share them.*
So you know the toilets with the sensors that flush the tank when you get up at the end? Every singe one of the toilets at the school has them. And most of them work just fine. except. Except for the possessed ones. The second stall on the 5th floor, and the 1st stall in the library. Evil. They will flush *as you sit down*. As you get *closer* to them they flush. Then periodically as ya pee. Like you sit still and it thinks, "I'm going to piss this stressed off law student just a little bit more. You think you're sitting still...? I see every millimeter of movement, and will flush just to show you I'm paying attention." It's like a bad duvet. Or whatever those things are called. *edit: bidet, that's what they're called.
I also think it's kind of funny how disproportionate some of my notes are to the things we actually talked about in class. Like, there's this one case that we probably talked about for 15 minutes, which is a decent amount of time for Con law, that was about how Iowa used to limit the length of trucks that could travel across the state. So naturally I should be all over it, right? My notes say, an I quote:
"ii.Kassel v. Consolidated 1.Limit lengths of trucks in Iowa."I'm gonna do *awesome* in Con Law.
*By "share them," I mean, "do anything and everything to get out of studying." This is a last-ditch procrastination attempt.
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