I know, I know, I've been not posting every two days, as is my late norm, but I have to tell you, not much has been happening. Finals period is starting up, as I guess was the title of the last post, as I recall, so yeah, still going on. I have to say though, and this is going to make me sound like a complete and utter ditz and blonde, but this studying thing may have something to it. I mean, I was pretty good at school, so I never really worried about studying, and I did just enough to get decent grades at ISU, but this really studying, making outlines, doing practice quesions, it just might help. Case in point: I was doing a practice question for Criminal law the other day, and that night, when I was trying to fall asleep, the rules of murder kept going through my head. In not a creepy way, let me assure you, but it made a light go on, like: "Hey, I remember what I studied...wait..." So yeah, I'm a ditz, but I'm going to do better in finals this time around, I'm sure of it. Except for con law, which the review session today made me want to sit in a corner and rock back and forth. We'll see about that one. At least it's first.
Let me give you an example of the craziness we have to study:
You tell me, does this sentence make any sense to you?
"Feoffment with livery of seisen."
Didn't think so.
Oh, what? You thought I was going to explain it? Haha, nice try.
Also, this is frustrating. The further I get on my outlines, the further I get from the end. You know what I mean. When you have to go back and review something, except you keep adding to it, so the more work you put into it, the longer it gets, so the further from the end you get. So instead of you being on page 14 of 25, you're now on page 16 of 32. Your contributions have not helped the situation except to make it seem more futile.
I did go shopping on Thursday though. I had to get out of the school after Civ Pro review, my head was spinning. So I went to this super-fun store called, actually, Funusual. They've got tons of cute and unusual stuff. I got some cookie cutters of gingerbread men with pieces "bitten" off, something I've been stalking the store for for months. Also some stuff for K's birthday, some "I <3 my penis" and other random packs of gum (I figure they'll be fun to unsettle the guys this summer), and the thing I'm really excited about, but embarrassed too... penguin salt and pepper shakers. I'm odd, I don't really care, but still.
Which brings me to my next point. I have learned, and you've probably seen it asserted here, that I'm learning to not worry about what people care so much about me. If they don't like me, that's their problem, not mine. And so I've become completely comfortable being "that friend" in a group. Not the "let's leave her behind" friend, that still pisses me off, and believe me, if you make me disposable, I make you disposable. But the quirky, odd, makes people laugh and is always up for something silly and crazy. That's me. I like it.
So as I'm getting closer to the end, I realize it's only 21 days til I will be OUT of Massachusetts!!! I'm not gonna lie, I will miss the friends I've made here, and I hope they'll still be here for me if for some reason I end up not being able to transfer, but I'm super excited to go home as well. And while home is now Ames, I now have a picture of my home home as my wallpaper to remind me:

Oh, my parents did end up buying that condo out in Arizona.
I will leave you with a thought I found somewhere (I honestly don't remember where) and thought, "yes." I think I would feel this way too.
"Today when my toast was done it popped all the way out of the toaster and I caught it midair and a little part of my soul that I didn’t know was empty suddenly became filled."
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