And to find out, when I got there, that our first class was canceled anyway. So that means, for the trouble of getting up and trekking to school for two days, I get in ONE class. One miserable class. If this were undergrad, the classroom would have been empty from people saying "screw you guys, I'm going home." No. J and I actually hoped it would be rather empty, but alas, people actually showed up. Weird freaks.
I have a slightly odd mystery to solve. As I was doing my laundry, I went through the pockets in my jeans. Found a bit of cash, some change, my C.O. Bigelow lip gloss, my cherry chapstick (stfu, yes, I use it), and...... a tube of Strawberry chapstick. I've never used strawberry, as far as I know I've had absolute control over these jeans, I don't know where it came from. I am confused.
Oh, here's a picture of what apparently happened that caused the school to be shut down on Monday:

It was nice though, Monday and Tuesday we didn't have to worry about getting hit by cars going to Starbucks (apple cider and strawberries and cream frappachino, I still don't drink coffee) because the street was closed. I looked out the window on Tuesday and it looked odd with cars on it.
OH man, I just realize what causes the awful feeling in my stomach which causes me to want to pop TUMS over and over. Well, at least this last bout was brought on by listening to a certain song. Crap. I like that band, and I am in love with that song, it would suck if I could never listen to it without breaking a little. Yep, music is the strongest sense tied to my memory. And I still would like to know what sort of algorithm my MP3 uses to determine which song to play next. It seems to repeat songs alot. Or maybe I skip a lot. Hmmm. But it still plays "It sucks to be me" and "The end of all things" every single day. I'm starting to notice "If she knew what she wanted" comes on an awful lot too. I hope it's not hardwired to me actually.
Some days I still have no idea what I'm typing into my computer from my notes. It makes no sense. Like today. "Federal courts have to follow both substantive law (state) = cause of action. Also includes state statute, local and precedent unless federal law provides otherwise." What the hell does that mean?
Ooooooo.... now all I have to do is "sew 'em so I don't show 'em!"
"I'm not having unprotected sex, I made that up." ~I walked in on the wrong end of that conversation!
"You know her, legally brunette, the one that sits right up front and sucks up to Meltzer so hard he might have an orgasm."
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