Sunday, November 23, 2008

1)Why I never call and 2)finally, a good day

So to anyone that may wonder why I never call anymore... I just decided around about the 10th call I made where the person was like "I can't really talk right now," that I have a really bad sense of timing and that if people want to talk to me they should either call me themselves or let me know when to call them. It's worked... for the most part. ktnxbye

I HATE HATE HATE the anonymity the city brings. I experienced it in full force as I was coming back to the house after shopping on Saturday. It sucks. It sucks monkey balls.

Oh man. I've decided what I want for Christmas, and it's one of the geekiest things I could've possibly come up with. It doesn't help that it's on at all. But it's so me. Wonder how my family will feel about me asking for a flying alarm clock.... hmmmm.

GAH!! There's really no way to properly spell out the continuous stream of expletives going through my head. I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed this morning (it's a Monday, who does?). But it turns out I had no real reason to. School is canceled. Not just our torts class. Every single class today. They're doing work on the street outside and apparently there was something about an exploding manhole, and yeah. I got up for *nothing*. I even had to run back 3 blocks to get my keys (luckily I was able to break in the back door (good, bad? Probably bad) to get them so I didn't wake up my roommates, but still. At least I was able to get into the Harvard library no problem, so I'm cooped up there for several hours. Or more.

On a slightly related note, is Facebook now patrolling the status updates or something? 1) They won't let me put bad words up there anymore. 2) I've had more than one disappear. Not completely, they're still in my history, but not in my active update. The first one **really** wasn't all that bad at all, just complaining about my craziness on Thursday. Hmmm. I suppose I'll find out if I get a warning from the managers.

"Having crazy visions of cheeseburgers. Please spare some change to make the ham stop dancing." ~On the sign of one of the hobos in Harvard Square. He got my laughter, he can have Obama's change.

The situation: Mock torts exam review. Going over an essay question in which the wife of the guy injured suffered mental anxiety and would throw up due to the stress caused to her as a result of his injury. (Loss of consortium, for you non-legal people, is the loss of intimacy in a relationship and is something you can recover damages for.)
The quotes:
C: "What about loss of consortium?"
S: "Was there any evidence they lacked consorting?"
C: "Well she's throwing up..."
S: [walks over to the mike and speaks directly into it.] "Maybe Lenny's into that."
Oh... dear...

"There comes a time you decide,
What from your life will be real.
What scars you will keep alive,
What you are willing to heal."

Damn, this sobriety thing is more hassle than it's worth. But only 24 days till I can drink to my hearts (and livers) desire.

Let's start this countdown again. 25 days till Iowa. 27 days till Ames!

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