How did I get here? Boredom + empty house and interesting things happen. Last night was weirder, (just ask) but still... where did it start? Facebook (what is a segfault, exactly? hmmm, let's Wikipedia) --> Segmentation fault --> slashdot --> troll(internet) --> Munchkins (card game) --> James Bond --> Commodore 64 --> (side tangent onto 6 degrees of separation of Wikipedia) emulators --> Linux --> GNU (?WTF) --> abort Wikipedia in hopes of being productive
The gimp is (mostly) gone!!! The only time it really hurts now is when I actually stub it. It hurts a little more severely than a normal stub, but otherwise, it's gone!!!
So you have to tell me, what is the oddest combination of clothing you have ever worn? I thought I hit my limit at VEISHEA 2008, with 7 layers of clothes on. But no. Law school "off-days" has turned my default comfy outfit into something cute, but odd, and I'll only tell mine if you tell me yours. What, this requires interaction? Blasphemy!
Eating nothing but cookie dough, drinking nothing but water. Now if only I allowed myself to drink liquor Saturday would have been the perfect day. But I do believe the gingerbread cookies were better off as cookie dough than as cookies.
I fail as a college student. I had to look up what "cannabis" is. Ooops. Is pot.
So during break I got a lot of TV watching in (luckily that watching was accompanied with lots of outlining as well). But I felt compelled to commemorate some of the better shows I watched. Well, the funnier ones I watched. I like House and CSI, but you can't exactly pull non-context-affiliated quotes from those. So here goes
"Popeye is being raped by Christmas critters!" (Yes, I actually watched South Park's Imaginationland. I kind of liked it.)
"Adolf Hitler was rejected when he applied to art school... one thing led to another and the United States dropped two atomic bombs on the sovereign nation of Japan!?" (Random guy on Comedy Central. Not very good, but this part was funny to me)
"Killing folks is easy. Being politically correct is a pain in the ass."
"Jingle bombs, jingle bombs, where are all the virgins that Bin Laden promised me? Don't laugh at me because I'm dead or I kill you!"
"What is wrong with you?"
"NyQuill and Redbull."
(<3 Jeff Dunham)
Now remember, oddest combination of clothing, please!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I in fact did *not* just get out of the shower
Walking to school on Tuesday felt like I was back on the Raging River at Adventureland. It was raining. Cars splashing water all over. While walking under a make-shift walkway, one of the canvases gave way and soaked the left half of me. Kind of like the spontaneous waterfalls, no? Meh.
And to find out, when I got there, that our first class was canceled anyway. So that means, for the trouble of getting up and trekking to school for two days, I get in ONE class. One miserable class. If this were undergrad, the classroom would have been empty from people saying "screw you guys, I'm going home." No. J and I actually hoped it would be rather empty, but alas, people actually showed up. Weird freaks.
I have a slightly odd mystery to solve. As I was doing my laundry, I went through the pockets in my jeans. Found a bit of cash, some change, my C.O. Bigelow lip gloss, my cherry chapstick (stfu, yes, I use it), and...... a tube of Strawberry chapstick. I've never used strawberry, as far as I know I've had absolute control over these jeans, I don't know where it came from. I am confused.
Oh, here's a picture of what apparently happened that caused the school to be shut down on Monday:

It was nice though, Monday and Tuesday we didn't have to worry about getting hit by cars going to Starbucks (apple cider and strawberries and cream frappachino, I still don't drink coffee) because the street was closed. I looked out the window on Tuesday and it looked odd with cars on it.
OH man, I just realize what causes the awful feeling in my stomach which causes me to want to pop TUMS over and over. Well, at least this last bout was brought on by listening to a certain song. Crap. I like that band, and I am in love with that song, it would suck if I could never listen to it without breaking a little. Yep, music is the strongest sense tied to my memory. And I still would like to know what sort of algorithm my MP3 uses to determine which song to play next. It seems to repeat songs alot. Or maybe I skip a lot. Hmmm. But it still plays "It sucks to be me" and "The end of all things" every single day. I'm starting to notice "If she knew what she wanted" comes on an awful lot too. I hope it's not hardwired to me actually.
Some days I still have no idea what I'm typing into my computer from my notes. It makes no sense. Like today. "Federal courts have to follow both substantive law (state) = cause of action. Also includes state statute, local and precedent unless federal law provides otherwise." What the hell does that mean?
Ooooooo.... now all I have to do is "sew 'em so I don't show 'em!"
"I'm not having unprotected sex, I made that up." ~I walked in on the wrong end of that conversation!
"You know her, legally brunette, the one that sits right up front and sucks up to Meltzer so hard he might have an orgasm."
And to find out, when I got there, that our first class was canceled anyway. So that means, for the trouble of getting up and trekking to school for two days, I get in ONE class. One miserable class. If this were undergrad, the classroom would have been empty from people saying "screw you guys, I'm going home." No. J and I actually hoped it would be rather empty, but alas, people actually showed up. Weird freaks.
I have a slightly odd mystery to solve. As I was doing my laundry, I went through the pockets in my jeans. Found a bit of cash, some change, my C.O. Bigelow lip gloss, my cherry chapstick (stfu, yes, I use it), and...... a tube of Strawberry chapstick. I've never used strawberry, as far as I know I've had absolute control over these jeans, I don't know where it came from. I am confused.
Oh, here's a picture of what apparently happened that caused the school to be shut down on Monday:

It was nice though, Monday and Tuesday we didn't have to worry about getting hit by cars going to Starbucks (apple cider and strawberries and cream frappachino, I still don't drink coffee) because the street was closed. I looked out the window on Tuesday and it looked odd with cars on it.
OH man, I just realize what causes the awful feeling in my stomach which causes me to want to pop TUMS over and over. Well, at least this last bout was brought on by listening to a certain song. Crap. I like that band, and I am in love with that song, it would suck if I could never listen to it without breaking a little. Yep, music is the strongest sense tied to my memory. And I still would like to know what sort of algorithm my MP3 uses to determine which song to play next. It seems to repeat songs alot. Or maybe I skip a lot. Hmmm. But it still plays "It sucks to be me" and "The end of all things" every single day. I'm starting to notice "If she knew what she wanted" comes on an awful lot too. I hope it's not hardwired to me actually.
Some days I still have no idea what I'm typing into my computer from my notes. It makes no sense. Like today. "Federal courts have to follow both substantive law (state) = cause of action. Also includes state statute, local and precedent unless federal law provides otherwise." What the hell does that mean?
Ooooooo.... now all I have to do is "sew 'em so I don't show 'em!"
"I'm not having unprotected sex, I made that up." ~I walked in on the wrong end of that conversation!
"You know her, legally brunette, the one that sits right up front and sucks up to Meltzer so hard he might have an orgasm."
Sunday, November 23, 2008
1)Why I never call and 2)finally, a good day
So to anyone that may wonder why I never call anymore... I just decided around about the 10th call I made where the person was like "I can't really talk right now," that I have a really bad sense of timing and that if people want to talk to me they should either call me themselves or let me know when to call them. It's worked... for the most part. ktnxbye
I HATE HATE HATE the anonymity the city brings. I experienced it in full force as I was coming back to the house after shopping on Saturday. It sucks. It sucks monkey balls.
Oh man. I've decided what I want for Christmas, and it's one of the geekiest things I could've possibly come up with. It doesn't help that it's on at all. But it's so me. Wonder how my family will feel about me asking for a flying alarm clock.... hmmmm.
GAH!! There's really no way to properly spell out the continuous stream of expletives going through my head. I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed this morning (it's a Monday, who does?). But it turns out I had no real reason to. School is canceled. Not just our torts class. Every single class today. They're doing work on the street outside and apparently there was something about an exploding manhole, and yeah. I got up for *nothing*. I even had to run back 3 blocks to get my keys (luckily I was able to break in the back door (good, bad? Probably bad) to get them so I didn't wake up my roommates, but still. At least I was able to get into the Harvard library no problem, so I'm cooped up there for several hours. Or more.
On a slightly related note, is Facebook now patrolling the status updates or something? 1) They won't let me put bad words up there anymore. 2) I've had more than one disappear. Not completely, they're still in my history, but not in my active update. The first one **really** wasn't all that bad at all, just complaining about my craziness on Thursday. Hmmm. I suppose I'll find out if I get a warning from the managers.
"Having crazy visions of cheeseburgers. Please spare some change to make the ham stop dancing." ~On the sign of one of the hobos in Harvard Square. He got my laughter, he can have Obama's change.
The situation: Mock torts exam review. Going over an essay question in which the wife of the guy injured suffered mental anxiety and would throw up due to the stress caused to her as a result of his injury. (Loss of consortium, for you non-legal people, is the loss of intimacy in a relationship and is something you can recover damages for.)
The quotes:
C: "What about loss of consortium?"
S: "Was there any evidence they lacked consorting?"
C: "Well she's throwing up..."
S: [walks over to the mike and speaks directly into it.] "Maybe Lenny's into that."
Oh... dear...
"There comes a time you decide,
What from your life will be real.
What scars you will keep alive,
What you are willing to heal."
Damn, this sobriety thing is more hassle than it's worth. But only 24 days till I can drink to my hearts (and livers) desire.
Let's start this countdown again. 25 days till Iowa. 27 days till Ames!
I HATE HATE HATE the anonymity the city brings. I experienced it in full force as I was coming back to the house after shopping on Saturday. It sucks. It sucks monkey balls.
Oh man. I've decided what I want for Christmas, and it's one of the geekiest things I could've possibly come up with. It doesn't help that it's on at all. But it's so me. Wonder how my family will feel about me asking for a flying alarm clock.... hmmmm.
GAH!! There's really no way to properly spell out the continuous stream of expletives going through my head. I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed this morning (it's a Monday, who does?). But it turns out I had no real reason to. School is canceled. Not just our torts class. Every single class today. They're doing work on the street outside and apparently there was something about an exploding manhole, and yeah. I got up for *nothing*. I even had to run back 3 blocks to get my keys (luckily I was able to break in the back door (good, bad? Probably bad) to get them so I didn't wake up my roommates, but still. At least I was able to get into the Harvard library no problem, so I'm cooped up there for several hours. Or more.
On a slightly related note, is Facebook now patrolling the status updates or something? 1) They won't let me put bad words up there anymore. 2) I've had more than one disappear. Not completely, they're still in my history, but not in my active update. The first one **really** wasn't all that bad at all, just complaining about my craziness on Thursday. Hmmm. I suppose I'll find out if I get a warning from the managers.
"Having crazy visions of cheeseburgers. Please spare some change to make the ham stop dancing." ~On the sign of one of the hobos in Harvard Square. He got my laughter, he can have Obama's change.
The situation: Mock torts exam review. Going over an essay question in which the wife of the guy injured suffered mental anxiety and would throw up due to the stress caused to her as a result of his injury. (Loss of consortium, for you non-legal people, is the loss of intimacy in a relationship and is something you can recover damages for.)
The quotes:
C: "What about loss of consortium?"
S: "Was there any evidence they lacked consorting?"
C: "Well she's throwing up..."
S: [walks over to the mike and speaks directly into it.] "Maybe Lenny's into that."
Oh... dear...
"There comes a time you decide,
What from your life will be real.
What scars you will keep alive,
What you are willing to heal."
Damn, this sobriety thing is more hassle than it's worth. But only 24 days till I can drink to my hearts (and livers) desire.
Let's start this countdown again. 25 days till Iowa. 27 days till Ames!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Summer made me violent, law school made me angry
"There is the case of a circus that failed to ah, properly control their elephants, and one 'relieved' itself on a person in the front row. I'm not sure there was impact but there certainly was distress."
~"That *would* be the greatest show on earth."
Is it bad that I'm happy when someone else screws up when being called on in class while I'm sitting there getting the answers right in my head?
I'm pretty sure most of my stress in life and in general can be attributed ultimately to public transportation.
The end of all things, hope fails, a storm is coming, it sucks to be me.... Now I'm sure my MP3 has a brain... and it's mocking me quite harshly. EVERY SINGLE DAY "It sucks to be me," from Avenue Q comes on. I'm not even joking. ***EVERY DAY***
I was actually looking forward to today, as crazy as that sounds, especially considering the fact our class had to be at the school at 9:30 for the mock torts exam. I was even going in cold, having not studied for it a teeny weensy bit except for keeping up on the notes throughout the semester. But, after the test, I was going to go shopping. Target! Old Navy! Victoria Secret! American Eagle (boxers! more of them!)! Bath and Body Works! Aerie! (I really don't dress like a prep, no matter what my store excitements are.)
Boys, if you're actually reading this, you can skip to the end of the starred (***) section. I'm sure you don't really want to hear about my shopping. See, I'm trying to help you.
Awesome shopping day. Very cold, but toward the end the wind went down. Target first. No idea they had such CUTE lingerie. lol, I hate to say it but I even got stuff guys would like... now if guys will actually see it is another question in and of itself. And stuff for Ames and sleepovers. Fun!
Then to Cambridgeside Mall, which is so gorgeous, it's all decorated for Christmas already. If it weren't so busy I'd so go there to study. But there for very specific things. Soap, for Christmas presents for my mom, I think I finally found one she'll like.
Payless, for boots. White. That may have been a bad idea, but they'll at least be warm. And they'll be wonderful for when I go back to Iowa and (hopefully) go sledding. Woohoo!
And finally, AE, for boxers. Yes, more boxers. I love them. I forget if the ones I got glow in the dark or not (but that was an option!), but they're way cute.
Also a flask. It will have a name. Something with a B, because today was a "b" kind of day. Bras, boots, boxers... Bart... or Brian... I'll take votes.
Ok, boys, to recap. I got a flask. It will have a name. I haven't decided what yet though. Now I just need 151 or some vodka.
Now, the reason for this retail therapy was the mock exam this morning. EFF, who makes law students get up early on a Saturday? Apparently the twisted minds at the school. We're law students, we have nothing better to do, right. Oh, except catch up on the sleep we lose to law school during the rest of the week.
But I was able to get up without a problem, actually. Walk through the wind that made me go something along the lines of "What hell kind of shit is this fucking bitch wind!?" I like the cold. Wind, not so much. Then arrive at the school, go up the elevator... and the doors open to a sea of people. Once you get off the elevator and watch the faces of people facing the same situation, it's funny. One load of people even had the doors open, saw the mass, said essentially "screw it," and went back down in the same elevator!
But the test itself... not bad at all. I felt really good after it, and after going over the multiple choice answers, doing well on those, and reading over the model exam answer, I'm pretty sure I would have kicked its ass had it been a real test. Which is kind of what I needed, for certain. I don't want to get cocky, but after that I feel like I'm preparing adequately, which is what I was worried about. And I'm still not stressed or nervous. So this was good reassurance, what I went into Schulze for and he kind of looked at me like I was crazy and I'm sure I was because I wanted to cry in the middle of that meeting. Not a good day. Today was a good day.
Also, apparently law school people, including girls, can eat. Either that or the test just took a lot out of us. Two other girls and I went to lunch between the exam and the review of the exam at California pizza kitchen (followed close behind by about half of the rest of the class. Glad we got in early). We got two pizzas (for those of you that don't know, it's really fresh, stone-baked pizza, and one pizza is probably a twelve inch or so, so we got two to split between three of us) and we finished everything. It's really good pizza though, hawaiian with fresh pineapple and pesto and fresh cheese. mmmmm.
omgsh there were some awesome quotes from Schulze today. Unfortunately they're written on paper which currently sits in my locker at school. Not going back this weekend. Guess you'll have to way. oh darn
btw: I continue to post on my other blog over at xanga, but it's only going to be the time wasting questionaires I love so much. But they're not something I want directly on FB. Anything of what I consider substance will be here.
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go enjoy my boxers and other goodies. sooooooo tired.
~"That *would* be the greatest show on earth."
Is it bad that I'm happy when someone else screws up when being called on in class while I'm sitting there getting the answers right in my head?
I'm pretty sure most of my stress in life and in general can be attributed ultimately to public transportation.
The end of all things, hope fails, a storm is coming, it sucks to be me.... Now I'm sure my MP3 has a brain... and it's mocking me quite harshly. EVERY SINGLE DAY "It sucks to be me," from Avenue Q comes on. I'm not even joking. ***EVERY DAY***
I was actually looking forward to today, as crazy as that sounds, especially considering the fact our class had to be at the school at 9:30 for the mock torts exam. I was even going in cold, having not studied for it a teeny weensy bit except for keeping up on the notes throughout the semester. But, after the test, I was going to go shopping. Target! Old Navy! Victoria Secret! American Eagle (boxers! more of them!)! Bath and Body Works! Aerie! (I really don't dress like a prep, no matter what my store excitements are.)
Boys, if you're actually reading this, you can skip to the end of the starred (***) section. I'm sure you don't really want to hear about my shopping. See, I'm trying to help you.
Awesome shopping day. Very cold, but toward the end the wind went down. Target first. No idea they had such CUTE lingerie. lol, I hate to say it but I even got stuff guys would like... now if guys will actually see it is another question in and of itself. And stuff for Ames and sleepovers. Fun!
Then to Cambridgeside Mall, which is so gorgeous, it's all decorated for Christmas already. If it weren't so busy I'd so go there to study. But there for very specific things. Soap, for Christmas presents for my mom, I think I finally found one she'll like.
Payless, for boots. White. That may have been a bad idea, but they'll at least be warm. And they'll be wonderful for when I go back to Iowa and (hopefully) go sledding. Woohoo!
And finally, AE, for boxers. Yes, more boxers. I love them. I forget if the ones I got glow in the dark or not (but that was an option!), but they're way cute.
Also a flask. It will have a name. Something with a B, because today was a "b" kind of day. Bras, boots, boxers... Bart... or Brian... I'll take votes.
Ok, boys, to recap. I got a flask. It will have a name. I haven't decided what yet though. Now I just need 151 or some vodka.
Now, the reason for this retail therapy was the mock exam this morning. EFF, who makes law students get up early on a Saturday? Apparently the twisted minds at the school. We're law students, we have nothing better to do, right. Oh, except catch up on the sleep we lose to law school during the rest of the week.
But I was able to get up without a problem, actually. Walk through the wind that made me go something along the lines of "What hell kind of shit is this fucking bitch wind!?" I like the cold. Wind, not so much. Then arrive at the school, go up the elevator... and the doors open to a sea of people. Once you get off the elevator and watch the faces of people facing the same situation, it's funny. One load of people even had the doors open, saw the mass, said essentially "screw it," and went back down in the same elevator!
But the test itself... not bad at all. I felt really good after it, and after going over the multiple choice answers, doing well on those, and reading over the model exam answer, I'm pretty sure I would have kicked its ass had it been a real test. Which is kind of what I needed, for certain. I don't want to get cocky, but after that I feel like I'm preparing adequately, which is what I was worried about. And I'm still not stressed or nervous. So this was good reassurance, what I went into Schulze for and he kind of looked at me like I was crazy and I'm sure I was because I wanted to cry in the middle of that meeting. Not a good day. Today was a good day.
Also, apparently law school people, including girls, can eat. Either that or the test just took a lot out of us. Two other girls and I went to lunch between the exam and the review of the exam at California pizza kitchen (followed close behind by about half of the rest of the class. Glad we got in early). We got two pizzas (for those of you that don't know, it's really fresh, stone-baked pizza, and one pizza is probably a twelve inch or so, so we got two to split between three of us) and we finished everything. It's really good pizza though, hawaiian with fresh pineapple and pesto and fresh cheese. mmmmm.
omgsh there were some awesome quotes from Schulze today. Unfortunately they're written on paper which currently sits in my locker at school. Not going back this weekend. Guess you'll have to way. oh darn
btw: I continue to post on my other blog over at xanga, but it's only going to be the time wasting questionaires I love so much. But they're not something I want directly on FB. Anything of what I consider substance will be here.
Now if you'll excuse me, I must go enjoy my boxers and other goodies. sooooooo tired.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Start the final countdown in 3.2.1
"Law school is supposed to be so measured, so calculated. In torts battery equals A plus B plus C, assault equals 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 plus 5. And here I am liberating you and saying, 'Imagine one situation out there where a guy marries a 14-year-old.' "
Got your attention? Good, I thought so.
I've decided to limit myself to publishing these every other day. As much as I want to fill you in on my daily life, I really shouldn't.
I'm still such little kid. L convinced me to go get ice-cream yesterday, and what did I get? Dark chocolate mint... with gummy bears. Similar combination to what I got the night of that awkward dressy night this summer. But still so good.
Oh thank goodness! I spilled half a glass of water on my computer Wednesday morning, just as I was ready to head out the door! After immediately dumping all the water I could off and blowing the rest off, I did end up taking it to school ( I still need it, all my notes and outlines are on it!). Luckily, it worked. I think he has a layer of plastic between the keyboard and the actual computer, but omg, I would have DIED if it crashed.
In talking to a friend going to law school out in California, I realized something I maybe hadn't before. I'm not sure that law school hasn't changed me. I'm sure it has. Not for the worse, hopefully, ie: I know where I *want* to go now, not just where I think I *should* go because it would make me look impressive. But I think the major difference is that no matter how unhappy being away from my friends makes me, I'm able to put all that aside and when I don't have to focus on law school, I, well, don't. I don't let it get in the way of keeping in touch, in the way of having fun. That's a big difference between me and the crazy law people. Maybe I should be more worried, and it does concern me that I'm not, but ya know, I'm just doing me.
So either my hair is changing with the seasons and long ago dye job, or my aunt and cousin just weren't paying attention to me when they saw me in June (which is entirely plausible, that side of the family we don't really talk about much. And they're the more normal of the bunch. The most normal is the other aunt and her new third husband, they're really nice, Bob's a good guy. On the other hand, on the immediate familial linkage is the 2nd cousin who is a month **younger** than I am and has like a six year old herself. Meaning she had the kid when we were **17**!! No way man. I'm still a kid at heart myself, I can't imagine having one. haha, that reminds me of the talk Leana and I had about our "hypothetical, non-existant kids that we don't want" being able to make us martinis by the time they're five. We've got aways to go.) Wow, that wasn't a *complete* side tangent at *all.* But when I walked in to see them the night I got back to Iowa they freaked out about my hair, asking if it was new, they liked it, all that. I though they were talking about the fact that I had made it kinky and messy for the flight, so it looked like it was supposed to be messy, instead of just being so. No, they were talking about the color. The color I did WAY back in September. I like it too, but good grief. Whatevs.
And I'm remembering what I Lurve about winter, and no, it's not just the cold. Well, it might have something to do with that. But whatever it is, Winter looks good on me. The sun, the snow, the cold, all combine with the rosy cheeks and wind-swept hair and the peacoat... <3>
"It should be pretty easy to figure out what's on the multiple choice. It's everything we went over in the 'O to A if it rains on a Tuesday..."
"I am the only guy over here. I am all alone. " ~Ed
"You like it." ~3 of the 5 girls talking around him.
"I liked it until we got to the vajayjay stretching nuva-ring." teehee! awesome conversation.
"Mary Had A Little Storm/Its Sleet Was White As Snow/And Everywhere That Mary Went/All Of The Schools Were Closed"
"I'd call you if I could find my shirt..."
"Do-do-do you wanna spend the night and wake up-up-up under the morning light 'cause I know-ow-ow I'm in lo-o-ove with you."
It's really random when the feelings of insignificance/worry/nauseous come on. I was walking back from school the other day and I even forget what I was thinking of... We'll see if that comes to me in the course of this. I think it was probably anxiousness for Iowa, not feeling like I'm stressed enough (really, is that an actual worry!?), now that I think about it. It's only a month till I'm flying back!
Man, I am soooo ready to be back home. Finally, I'll have new license, a new haircut, a new lease on life for 17 days, nothing to worry about, because all the worry will be behind me! I can be drunk as much as I want!! Count down the days with me, 29!
Got your attention? Good, I thought so.
I've decided to limit myself to publishing these every other day. As much as I want to fill you in on my daily life, I really shouldn't.
I'm still such little kid. L convinced me to go get ice-cream yesterday, and what did I get? Dark chocolate mint... with gummy bears. Similar combination to what I got the night of that awkward dressy night this summer. But still so good.
Oh thank goodness! I spilled half a glass of water on my computer Wednesday morning, just as I was ready to head out the door! After immediately dumping all the water I could off and blowing the rest off, I did end up taking it to school ( I still need it, all my notes and outlines are on it!). Luckily, it worked. I think he has a layer of plastic between the keyboard and the actual computer, but omg, I would have DIED if it crashed.
In talking to a friend going to law school out in California, I realized something I maybe hadn't before. I'm not sure that law school hasn't changed me. I'm sure it has. Not for the worse, hopefully, ie: I know where I *want* to go now, not just where I think I *should* go because it would make me look impressive. But I think the major difference is that no matter how unhappy being away from my friends makes me, I'm able to put all that aside and when I don't have to focus on law school, I, well, don't. I don't let it get in the way of keeping in touch, in the way of having fun. That's a big difference between me and the crazy law people. Maybe I should be more worried, and it does concern me that I'm not, but ya know, I'm just doing me.
So either my hair is changing with the seasons and long ago dye job, or my aunt and cousin just weren't paying attention to me when they saw me in June (which is entirely plausible, that side of the family we don't really talk about much. And they're the more normal of the bunch. The most normal is the other aunt and her new third husband, they're really nice, Bob's a good guy. On the other hand, on the immediate familial linkage is the 2nd cousin who is a month **younger** than I am and has like a six year old herself. Meaning she had the kid when we were **17**!! No way man. I'm still a kid at heart myself, I can't imagine having one. haha, that reminds me of the talk Leana and I had about our "hypothetical, non-existant kids that we don't want" being able to make us martinis by the time they're five. We've got aways to go.) Wow, that wasn't a *complete* side tangent at *all.* But when I walked in to see them the night I got back to Iowa they freaked out about my hair, asking if it was new, they liked it, all that. I though they were talking about the fact that I had made it kinky and messy for the flight, so it looked like it was supposed to be messy, instead of just being so. No, they were talking about the color. The color I did WAY back in September. I like it too, but good grief. Whatevs.
And I'm remembering what I Lurve about winter, and no, it's not just the cold. Well, it might have something to do with that. But whatever it is, Winter looks good on me. The sun, the snow, the cold, all combine with the rosy cheeks and wind-swept hair and the peacoat... <3>
"It should be pretty easy to figure out what's on the multiple choice. It's everything we went over in the 'O to A if it rains on a Tuesday..."
"I am the only guy over here. I am all alone. " ~Ed
"You like it." ~3 of the 5 girls talking around him.
"I liked it until we got to the vajayjay stretching nuva-ring." teehee! awesome conversation.
"Mary Had A Little Storm/Its Sleet Was White As Snow/And Everywhere That Mary Went/All Of The Schools Were Closed"
"I'd call you if I could find my shirt..."
"Do-do-do you wanna spend the night and wake up-up-up under the morning light 'cause I know-ow-ow I'm in lo-o-ove with you."
It's really random when the feelings of insignificance/worry/nauseous come on. I was walking back from school the other day and I even forget what I was thinking of... We'll see if that comes to me in the course of this. I think it was probably anxiousness for Iowa, not feeling like I'm stressed enough (really, is that an actual worry!?), now that I think about it. It's only a month till I'm flying back!
Man, I am soooo ready to be back home. Finally, I'll have new license, a new haircut, a new lease on life for 17 days, nothing to worry about, because all the worry will be behind me! I can be drunk as much as I want!! Count down the days with me, 29!
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