So there I was. In a Starbucks. Next to a Dunkin' Donuts. Which was across from a Starbucks. From which you could see the next Starbucks not half a block away and which was kiddy-corner across a block from the next Starbucks/Dunkin' Donuts conglomerate.
You think I'm making this shit up?! Go back and look at the countdown album from last year. It's sick.
But I suppose I should fill you in on the end of summer. It may wax poetic a bit, but I'm not really sorry for that. This year didn't end as dramatically as last year, but that doesn't mean the summer was any less fantabulous, just a bit less drama-filled. Which was good. This summer was also the summer of putting things in the past. Mostly it was specific guys that I was leaving. HS crush, dude-across-the-hall/fuckface, the best friend and last summer. I won't really go into details, but let's just say that each of them got a demotion, some further down than others.
I wonder if I every filled ya'll in on fuckface. Nope, it appears not. Well, after I unceremoniously rejected his smarmy ass, I saw him around a LOT. A lot a lot. In the hall around K and D's rooms, when we were up LATE playing an unmentionable computer game, invited himself into one of C's parties, etc. He was never asked to not come around, but when he saw I was at the parties, after a few minutes he would leave under some pretense and not come back. Which I wasn't too upset about. The thing that caused the major demotion was one night K, C, A and I were playing foosball downstairs, having a drink or two with it, and he came around with a CHEAP bottle of rum. Drunk as a skunk and apparently high to boot. Really just a general creep-o that night. And I found out later that he stalked one of my friends back to her room to the point that she felt she needed to go to her boyfriend to make him go away. Sorry guys, what hell have I wreaked? But he's gone. Don't know whether he's still in Buchanan, but it's unlikely that I'll have to be down that hall while he's there anyway, or at least down my his room. K's up a floor and C is only half-way down the hall. yay.
Oh, I suppose I'll give you the other 3 guys. After seeing HS crush in the water up to his knees begging, even though he's basically married with a kid on the way, I was able to put him in the past. When A started going after an 18 (and a half) year-old that no-one in our group likes or thinks has any redeeming qualities (not my words, words of a dude, I swear), I realized that if that's all he thinks of himself, I'm better than that. And N. The guy I've like for SO LONG. He stopped by the end of summer and we hung out for a night, and it felt more like I was talking to Will. I was telling him about K, and pictures, and he was saying about he was excited for the high girl-to-guy ratio where he's going to be living this year. I still love him dearly, but I think I may finally be moving on. Probably why I hung on so long was because he was the only one who knew about fuckface. Now many people know and are ecstatic that I kicked him to the curb. One of many theories, I suppose.
But moving on. I've noticed that each summer is kind of defining. With the exception of right after freshman year, each summer has had a theme. After Sr. yr of HS, finishing FFA, 4-H and getting ready for ISU. Soph yr was the lost summer where I learned a lot about how I work and deal. Jr yr was the time I had a job I LOVED, writing for the local paper, and I kicked ass at it too. Sr yr was the stereotypical get drunk/party/rock out, and this was putting things in the past.
But back to this summer. Epic, once again. Made new friends, hung out with the old, didn't have the week-long binges like last year, avoided most boy drama, got a tan, worked out, shot off fireworks...
OK so fireworks deserves it's only paragraph. Got fireworks down in MO, but didn't shoot a ton of them off until the 4th. The 4th my family always goes to the farm of a family friend, to cook out and watch and catch up with lots of people, and of course watch the Grand Mound fireworks. When I was little the guys wouldn't let the girls shoot off fireworks and it was all so controlled. Now, most of the "kids" have grown up so when I showed up with my bag of fireworks, the guys just handed me a propane torch and said "Have fun, we're taking turns!" I love how things have turned out.
...dorked out again. I love hanging out with the kinda dorky guys, what can I say? Why I'm not more into computers or science or own an Xbox is beyond me. We went shooting again... when I finally get a more permanent place, my targets (both paper and the laptop screen) will be up on the wall. Bowling. Bowling was fun. I need to do it more often.
I also picked up on the most random tidbits of information this summer. Some of them good, some of them dorky, and all of them rather interesting. For example:
1. When I am driving, (which won’t be for much longer) I keep thinking on the cloverleaf exits that if I were in a bike race, I would be penalized or kicked out for going over the line. Doesn’t mean it still doesn’t happen.
2. In chats, such as on Facebook or Gmail, I now find myself typing / to start talking, and pressing esc. to make the chatbox go away. I won’t say which game that is from, but it’s a certain often-mentioned, often-dissed (including by me until recently) online game.
3. In relation to the last one, I woke up after a dream about me killing phones to “aquire,” like, the cords or something and to make them stop ringing. However, there was an actual phone ringing in real life… the wake up phone call. Fml.
But I suppose you want to hear about school, eh? It's school, you know how it is... Oh wait, you wanted more? *huff* fine.
T'was a curious drive out to Boston. Eating crap for the last week (Jeff's at 2 am anyone?) I was in Ames then not eating at all because of nerves = no good. It rained a lot. I drove some. Whatevs.
But I'm "moved in" with a fantastic friend from last year. I quote "moved in" because the girl whose room I'm moving into hasn't gotten her stuff out, which I can deal with, but I'm way excited to get it all neat and clean and... it'll be fairly sparse, but I've learned to deal with less for now. I'm not really in the picture-taking mood right now, but I may break that because of wanting to show it off. Like: "See, I can be domestic, just not when people tell me to be, so you can go make your own damn sammich."
The commute's not bad, about 45 minutes, which now that I have my mp3 back up and running with a podcast to catch up on, it should be even better.
The school continues to be FUCKING FREEZING. It was not even September and I already had a fucking sweatshirt in my locker to I wouldn't pop up in goosebumps and more less than 10 minutes into class or during my study marathons in the library.
Class you ask?
Business organizations I have with Finneran, the prof I had for contracts last year. It's pretty boring so far, but she's entertaining enough to keep us awake. I keep calling that class contracts still though, but my friends have learned what I mean.
Land Use is with Bobrowski, also another professor from last year. He seems a lot more into this class than he did property, maybe because we actually want to be there. But the class is going to be a lot about zoning, so I'm going to try to keep the fact that my dad is the, well, County Zoning Administrator back home under wraps. I mean, it'll help me on the paper, but I don't want him thinking I know things, because I don't really. That's right, awesome me, being humble... such an odd moment, I know...
The last class with a professor from last year is Evidence with Hansen. Not bad. Nothing much to report.
Admiralty. Very excited about that class. I know, what's a chick from Iowa doing in a fucking admiralty class? I don't know exactly. It might be to brag, it might be to be weird. Either way, I'm happy.
And the damn writing and research class. I HATE IT. THAT IS ALL.
But I'd forgotten how insanely *tired* law school makes me. And partly it's because I get horrid habits over the summers, staying up til 4, sleeping til 1:30... But all the reading and research now... just makes me more tired.
But the fact that I am amused by the most random things keeps me a little bit more awake. And that my professors are entertaining. Like in evidence, when Hansen said “Every town has a nut, and unfortunately, every nut has rights.” I know ALL about the town yahoos. In Calamus, there was a guy who blogged that a frog had told him to put an anti-psychotic drug in the town watertower because they were all crazy. A frog. And yes, true story. I think he’s in a “facility” now, and all the better, because along with all of that he had a video camera set up in his front door, which was right on main street. Creeper.
Then there’s the lady that tried to tell half of Clinton County that my dad didn’t exist. Pretty sure he does, or I’m also crazy and an immaculate conception. There’s a 13 year age difference from my oldest aunt to my dad, so someone who knows ‘Laina may not have known my dad when they were in school, but he exists, I swear, just got an email from him…
But I feel like this year is going to fly by. It's already the second week of school, and with me already planning Christmas vacation (Ames for at least 2 weeks total, anyone in?) and other things, I certain hope things go fast.
Random tangent alert: Another thing summer does to me is make me lose my handwriting. I work so hard on it over the course of the school year, then I rarely handwrite during the summer. And yes, I am one of the fairly rare breed who always take notes by hand. There will be some exceptions, of course, such as Land Use, where all the cases are online, but otherwise by hand. What can I say? I'm old-fashioned.
In other news, I am a dork. Of the Oddest variety. Why I didn't go into computer or design is beyond me (still). I love the odd guys, casual gamers, and I, as a girl, always feel I must prove my worth against the boys in games. But this next tidbit takes the lego-themed wedding cake.

(ummmm... want?)
I love this song. I was introduced to it mid-summer by K, and every once in a while it'll pop into my head or get sent to me and it's lodged in my head for awhile. But this most recent time I'm glad it happened. It finally got a highly repetitive Ben Folds song that the nearly non-existant 3rd roommate played about 20 times over 2 days. le sigh. I am a dork. But I'm more than ok with it. And December will bring even more nerd-dom. 1 word. BlackAcre.
And there's more to the BlackAcre story, of course. Blackacre is the fictional plot of land that is constantly getting traded when you're talking about property in law. And it will be the name of my new character in WoW. Yes, I play wow, I won't even try to deny it anymore. It was so I would have something to do this summer instead of watching my boys play and be so annoying just sitting and watching over their shoulders. And it doesn't hurt that the guy I currently like, K, is/was big into it. I learn a lot. I apparently like to listen to lectures from guys. First N, now K. Ah well, I am a girl, I suppose.
So all is well on the roaming ctina front. I promise I'll be back in Iowa. I think one of my things making me want to go back so badly is that I'm so fiercely loyal to my friends. I'd not be who I am today without them, so I want to be there for them like I feel they were for me.
So yeah. That's going to be all for now. An edited version will go on FB, but yeah.
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