Eeebadeepaadeepbeeed. Ever feel like this? I just got out of my Civ Pro final. And I feel like I've been run over by a 747. Without the landing gear, and with spikes. I'm so physically exhausted and tired, and I did NOT have a monstrous headache when I went in, and *now*? Well, I've taken enough various painkillers to kill a smalll village, but hopefully it won't kill *me*.
But, guess what. I only have one more Sunday in Boston!!! Yet the end of finals seems like forEVER from now. But we're gonna go with optimistic.
More things I've learned in law school:
Come finals, many things are given up. A social life, for example. Sleep and hydration, however, somehow become vitally important.
Sometimes an exasperated sigh can say more than words ever could.
Just when you need to the most, you cannot for your own life read your own handwriting. (although, in my own defense, I know what reconnoitering means, I really don't use it in everyday conversation)
Finals, while for studying, has kind of made my entire life flash before my eyes. Who matters, who doesn't, and why things happen. How existential of me. (I swear I'm not emo, I just play one on TV sometimes.)
Everything from first semester (that's not used this semester) is GONE. I saw the words, respondeat superior and had *no idea* what they meant and thought I had a whole concept I had forgotten in Civ Pro and would have to learn again from the beginning before the test tomorrow. *headdesk*
Ugh! Right in the baby-maker. The school has the turnstyles you have to card in each time you go in the library, and every once in a while I move forward before it registers my card. It hurts. That is all.
And the title of this one? Actually true. There are just a couple guys in our class that are gorgeous, and while I rarely talk to them, and don't even study in the same room as them, it makes me happy when I see them.
And with the guys anyway, what is with it with guys picking up girls on the subway. I went on that one date with the guy I met last semester (we still hang out, whatevs) and tonight, I'm pretty sure this other guy would have asked me out or asked me to join if I had shown *any* interest in watching the Celtics game. Sorry dude, finals, and I really don't care. I literally asked, "What game?" We talked for a bit, so yeah. What's up with that?
And oh. dear. God. What is with the crazy porno spam I get in my gmail spambox? I don't even know where the random generators come up with this crap. I know I've gone on this rant before, but still, I highly doubt that increasing "sexuall" desire in women is for the "exercise of the deer." Unfortunately I've just emptied my spambox yesterday or you'd get some extraordinarily great tangent.
I have determined the perfect day will happen once I'm back in Ames. Ask if you want to know what it involves, or want in, but oh yes, there will be.... love.
One final note: I can't wait until "See you tomorrow" doesn't mean, "I'll see you tomorrow because I can only study at the library too. And I have to study if I want to stay in law school. Hence, I'll see you tomorrow."
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