hahahaha. Took a random quiz on rumandmonkey.com (if you remember, a procrastination website) entitled "Do you love him," cause I'm bored and it was late. The result? "No you don't, dump him." Already did thanks.
So this is another random thoughts blog, with quotes I've overheard, seen on TV or otherwise randomly been entertained by lately.
We're on the subject of sex-based discrimination in Con Law now, and the subject of feminism came up. I, as one quote I see often says, distinguish myself from a doormat, but I don't consider myself a feminist. I fight for my opinions and against the guys I know, but I'm not out there, trying to get every woman equal rights as men. The women that gain those rights have fought to be there, and the ones that feel they should just coast along can eat my dust.
There's also a little thing in the early sex cases that bugs me, as a chick (yes, I describe myself, and most other girls, as chicks, because I'm not a girl anymore, but I will never be mature enough to call myself a woman. Whatevs) who took ag with all the boys and whipped their asses at cutting welding and owns a coffeetable I built myself and can wrangle around a 1,500lb cow, I take a bit, ok, a LOT of offense to. (N, if you're reading this, this is for you, we fought for HOURS over this, and never ended up getting anywhere) There's one case where the court says women weren't allowed a privilege because we were to "fill the benign role of wife and mother." I would go crazy or become a raging alcoholic if I had to stay at home and only raise a kid. No fucking way. Then there's a case before JEB that said that the reason women couldn't be on juries was that
"Criminal court trials often involve testimony of the foulest kind, and the sometimes require consideration of indecent conduct, the use of filthy and loathsome words, references to intimate sex relationships, and other elements that would prove humiliating, embarrassing and degrading to a lady."Maybe I'm no lady (and I'm OK with that) but foul language and indecent (mostly involving parties and alcohol) behavior define what I like to do. I guess that's how times have changed. You lose the lady and get me. But I'll still go on rants about how douchebags and punks and self-important and too-impressive-for-my-own pants male crowd on the Orange line haven't heard of the concept of "ladies first." Just see my twitter. Double standard I guess, but it happens, live with it.
It's slightly scary the things I come up with when I'm bored and hungry and inventive. The latest example? Chicken tender tacos. Microwaved, precooked chicken tenders, cut up, dusted with taco seasoning and topped with cheese in a tortilla. Not horrible, but it's one of those that once you see the final result, you immediately think, "Nothing good can come of this."
Why can't dreams be reality? I kept hitting my snooze Wednesday morning, trying to go back to the perfectness of the dream, including no presence of A. But plenty of the other, who shall remain uninitialed. Because you all know who. If you know me at all.
I can only say this right now: that I have the best friends in the world.
"Chess just got fucked in the face."
OHHH! The thing I've been forgetting to get down for the longest time now... pin bowling with Mormons. A friend from law school invited some people from school and her church to this event called "Redneck Round-up." I'm hick, sign me up. I got my flannel goin' on, with the cute tank top... and I've never been pin bowling. It's a little different than regular bowling, 3 balls per frame and the scoring of strikes and spares is a bit off too. But fun. I really sucked it up, but the Bailey's-flavored icecream beforehand helped. Yes, I get alcohol in any place I can. But it was a little odd too. Like I didn't feel like myself, ya know. Like I know they don't swear or drink, so anytime I would start to say "fuck" or go off on the alcohol I like, I'd find myself stopping myself, and I'm not to like self-censoring. Which is why I love my summer friends. And SATC. And anyone who knows they matter and I'm forgetting. You know who you are!
"Everybody's intimidating in their own way. It's better to be feared than loved."
"At this point after being so single I think I'd rather be loved!"
Pandora scares me sometimes. With the songs that come up on certain stations. There's this ... Hungarian boincy pingy song about gummi bears that came up on Tenacious D, and ACDC came up on Breakfast At Tiffany's. Who decides this? I would like to lodge a complaint. Don't get me wrong, the Hungarian Gummibears tribute gets me giggling every time I hear it, but I'm still confused by the fact that I AM hearing it.
Drunk Bejeweled Blitz is not necessarily the best idea in the world. Not that anyone would say that it was a good idea to begin with, but yeah. Not as fun as I thought it would be.
Only L2 could get us kicked out of Coldstone. Here is the story:
L, C, E, and I got lunch this Friday between classes and went to the small Coldstone near the school for dessert. We were sitting in the windows, just people watching, wasting time, because ya know, we really didn't want to go back and do the Con Law reading. Then L2 comes and asks us if it's possible to sue someone a store of an individual for smoking in a store. We start going over all the possibilities, and the guy working the counter puts in his 2 cents, because we were the only ones in the place. We had just gotten into the penalties for the store owner or manager, like the $500 fine, when a girl who works at Coldstone comes in, smoking. The guy told her to shut the door and put it out, then took her in the back and talked to her. At that point we were all like "Umm... this is awkward, we should leave." So we get out of there in like, 10 seconds flat.
So that is how we got ourselves self-banned from Coldstone.
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